Sign up for the internship program at A&CO and get a first glimpse into the legal world.

  • Category: Internship Program
  • Service Duration: 1 Minutes
  • Address: Ufuq business center (Map)
  • Price:Free



*Please note that this program lasts for either a month or three months and starts once A&CO contacts the applicant to join the internship program. Booking a slot will only mean that the application will be examined by A&CO.

If you are a fresh graduate or if you are intending to experience and get a glimpse on the corporate life, join the internship program and be part of our team for a month.

The internship program at A&CO offers YOU the trainee an excellent first experience into the legal work-life and exposure to the legal world. Our experienced team will be with you to offer their help and guidance on any legal topic, and the team will guide you on your legal matters.

In addition, you will be working closely with A&CO team and you will get the chance to assist them in their legal matters. And we will get a chance to handle a pro bono case as part of the law clinic department.

This is an opportunity for you here at A&CO Law to get a glimpse of the most optimum way to start your legal career.


"I am very thankful for the opportunity that was given by A& Co law firm to join as Legal Intern! I have learnt many skills that will help me in my future legal career. Most importantly I have enjoyed working on the pro bono case in law clinic. I would like to express my appreciation to the A& Co family for their guidance and mentorship throughout the internship."

Alzahra AlAdhubi - June 2021.

"It was a new journey, a unique adventure, a deep dialogue, an educational moment, an enriching experience, and successful attempts, all of which were an addition to my legal personality, an extension to my thinking, and a gain for my story. Thank you to the distinguished lawyers in A&CO Law Firm, for providing the opportunity and the great attention, I am glad and proud of this experience, and I look forward to entering the labor market after obtaining my bachelor degree."

Aflah Khalfan Al Ghaithi - February 2022